Saturday, November 23, 2013

Health Matters Radio 11/23/13

On today's episode of Health Matters, we discussed a news article posted at as well as a poll it linked to, which was conducted on behalf of WISH TV 8 and Ball State University.

Download today's show (MP3)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Alternatives to HealthCare.Gov

For those having difficulty with HealthCare.Gov who simply want to get some estimates of what coverage might cost and which plans are available on the Health Insurance Marketplace, here are a couple web sites worth checking out:

Please note these sites are *unofficial* and do not replace a real application through the Health Insurance Marketplace at HealthCare.Gov.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Health Reform Self Study materials for Indiana

Nationally relevant materials:
(Note the webinars and slide decks offered, as these present coverage scenarios that could serve as useful illustrations.)

For Indiana:

(Particularly the training slides in the Navigator section)

Health Matters Radio 11/2/13

Today myself and Grayce Gadson covered some basics of the Affordable Care Act and how Health Reform applies to the state of Indiana. We focused on the fact that the law requires there be "no wrong door" - no matter where you apply for coverage, through the state or federal government, if it turns out you are eligible for a different program than the one to which you have applied, your application will be electronically transferred to the appropriate office and/or department.
Listen below, and please leave questions in the comments or tweet me @johnathang.

Download the MP3 of today's show

Links discussed on today's show: